Friday, November 25, 2011


The one and only original Olive. She was the first of all the babys and she will forever be my favorite :). As you can see she is well loved!

I can't figure out why the pictures wont load right!! I have tried all I know to do and they keep uploading sideways :( . Any way here are pictures of a few of  the girls.

Chelsea Fay

Chelsea Fay and the best hair ever!!

Chelsea Fay with Tutue

Meet Clementine!! She is the cutest one of all and I love her to bits!!

Molly, Clem., and Lucy

Hattie May


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The birth of the Dandelion family

"Mom! Your a professional baby maker" my seven year old son says to me as I sit at the kitchen table sewing baby dolls.
It all started with a little doll we so lovingly call Soph-da-phina...

 I suppose I’ll begin with a friend of mine, who received a doll for her daughter Sophie’s second birthday. The doll was made by a dear friend of hers back in Texas.  When I saw this doll, it was as though time stopped.  It was the hair.  It was the squishy body.  It was the buttons on the arms.  It was the simple preciousness of her dress.  It was the hair.  Did I mention the hair?  The doll – let’s call her the Matriarch of the Dandelion Family, was named Seraphina.  My friend’s little daughter immediately dubbed her Soph-da-phina, after her own name.  And so it stuck.  The doll that began it all, Soph-da-phina, is distinct and different from the dolls that eventually flowed from my sewing machine.  But she was the doll that started it all, and she holds a very special place in my heart.

"MOM! Your a Professional Baby Maker Now!!"

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  First of all I am not a blogger!! I don't enjoy being on the computer and I would much rather write on the soft pages of a worn in journal than type. So with that said i will attempt my first "post" :).

This sight is intended to share with the world my love of baby making.... cloth baby making that is. (Now I must say before I go on that my son coined the phrase "Mom your a professional baby maker now" after he heard the talk of putting the baby's I make into Whole foods Market) OK so now you know. It is one of my great loves to create beautiful things from vintage materials. The scraps of old material, and buttons I use to craft my dolls are pulled from my grandmothers old trunk. vestiges of a favorite dress or skirt or tablecloth… you get the idea... are used to make dainty dresses and accessories for my little lovelies.  Taking items that are perhaps “disposable” in the eyes of others, and seeing the beauty that can be coaxed out of them, is a thrill and a challenge for me, and is a concrete reminder for me of when I gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.  I was made new in Him, and He delights in me – He took the rags of my former self and redeemed my life for His glory.  Read on to see my newest passion – the Dandelion Family, 100% up cycled, hand crafted dolls.  These babies are close to my heart, and I pray over them – that the little children who play with them will know the Love of the Father.